Thursday, October 14, 2010

Better Late than Never!

Well it has take us until Term 4 to update our Blog but better late than never!
Welcome to Room 19 2010!
This year has been a really busy one! We visited the Maritime Museum last term and learnt about how and why people moved to NZ!

As part of our topic last term we also made satchels which were decorated with designs from the country we came from. Inside the satchels were a flag from our country of origin, a map and an ID card. Here are some photos of our sharing day.

Below are some comments from the children about last term:

"My favourite thing was going to Maritime Museum and going on the real boat" - Calais

" My favourite thing was making the satchels last term. I loved the whole process including the sewing!" - Nandita

"Last term we made Satchels that had decorations which represented the countries we came from. My satchel had Malaysian flowers on it." - Tiffany

"My favourite thing about last term was the Maritime Museum. I had all my friends with me to enjoy it! Antonio, Ryan, Trentham, Calais and myself all had heaps of fun!" - Christian

"Last term we made satchels to represent where we came from and our culture. My designs were from India. We put a map and an ID tag inside our satchels" - Rishitha

"My favourite thing from last term was making our satchels. It was a lot of fun especially when we got to use the dye!" - Micaih

"Last term we went to the Maritime Museum. Room 19 and some of the Room 21 children rode on a boat called "Ted Ashby" it was lots of fun" - Reina

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